Optimal Prepregnancy Conditions in SLE Identified
Why Is Osteoporosis an Undervalued Diagnosis Among Men?Osteoporosis presents a significant medical burden, yet screening rates among men remain low.
Women in Medicine: Sponsorship Is Vital for Addressing Historic InequalitiesMuch has changed since Elizabeth Blackwell became the first US female physician, but a lack of sponsorship still keeps women in medicine from leadership roles.
The Challenges of Diagnosing Seronegative Rheumatic DiseasesDr Salahuddin Kazi, MD, comments on the challenges of diagnosing seronegative rheumatic diseases and discusses a case presentation that highlights these difficulties.
Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Trial Results and Future DirectionsWe spoke with Mark Richardson, MD, PhD, and John Tesser, MD, to discuss vagus nerve stimulation for the treatment RA and results of the pivotal RESET-RA trial.
Frailty in Rheumatology: An Emerging – and Potentially Reversible – Risk FactorJ Eugene Huffstutter, MD, and Robert G Hylland, MD, discuss the evolving concept of frailty in rheumatology.
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